Do you ever have those days where you want...
To eat lunch in New York...
Drive all day to to shop at 1 store..
Actually grow something that lives..
Well today I want this stove...
I am sure tomorrow it will be a different one...
but for today I want this one....
And someday I might actually find it!
What is your want for just Today?

To catch my new kitty...he has turned wild and won't come to me. And to go crawl into bed...long day! Come say hi :D
A 1900 Victorian house for only $24,500!! Oh, what fun I could have!
For all the snow to melt and for it to be summer. Green grass, sunshine and warmth!
Oh and I do love that cute little stove too! : )
love the vintage stove. i've periodically been obsessed with the hunt for vintage one. it appears they're plentiful in california. in the midwest, the pickings are slim. my sister-in-law had one in a house they sold (previous owner had brought it from california). i was tempted to buy it from them, but as it was unrestored the front of was crazy hot when it was on...dangerous for little ones.
i'm hunting for a cute vintage 'play' stove.
Just for today? Can I request Winter to end? But you know...I'll likely request that tomorrow too. LOL Hugs!! Mary
I guess I have a little of the 'wants' every day! This is a cute post! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Ohhh Debbie...I USED to have one just like this..and I kick myself for selling it...gosh I want it
I can't say my steel one I am going to feel like that down the road lol
Good Question! I want to spend a month or two in Italy...
What a great stove :) I'd love to have a Kitchen Aide Mixer!
You are so cute! Oh yes, I want...but only for a few things. LOVE the stove!! Such a cutie pie!!
I want a NEW HONKIN' sewing/embroidery/quilting machine that will do everything but cook on that stove...and it might even do that!! looks like my mama's stove when I was a child in the 1950's. I even had one of the little vintage pink stoves you've seen around in blogland.
Gmama Jane
I just typed this once and Blogger ate it. Anyway, that stove sure is a beauty. I never liked the stainless steel. So never went for that.
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