I was watching "Midnight in The Garden of Good and Evil" and getting very home sick for Savannah Georgia. I love Savannah! I really think I am a southern girl at heart.

You can buy this statue for you Garden on River Street...
Just an FYI...

This is the "Olde Pink House" and its haunted...
as is most of Savannah. I think when I die if I haven't moved there before
Thats the place I am going.

Its so beautiful if you get to go there when the azaleas are in bloom.

Parks are everywhere and you really don't need a car if you stay downtown.

I could just move right in....
can't you just see me sipping tea on that porch!

I'd even be a nice neighbor and invite Paula over....
See I would fit right in.
Debbie you're speaking my language. :) blessings, marlene
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is a great book. Love your pictures. I would love to see Savanah and its history. If walls could talk what stories would they tell.
Have a super great day.
I'd really love to take a tour of southern cities. Savannah would be tops on the list.
Visited Savannah a few years ago. Walked every block and also went to Paula Deans for lunch one day. Loved every minute of it and the Azaleas were in bloom at the time.. Also spent two nights on Tybee Island. I would go back in a minute.
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